Weight Loss Journey

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a terrible thursday!

So I woke up this morning, feeling a little light-headed and under the weather so I took a nice hot shower to try and wake myself up. Then I had slight syncope spells, which was freaking me out. I dropped the cantaloupe container and ruined the last 7 or so pieces left because of my clumsy self. So I shook it all off and went into work at 6:30 and one of the nurses said I looked extremely pale in the face and I laughed it off because I was like "haha I know I'm white" but then I got so busy working and didn't sit down for at least 5 hours I felt terrible! Then all of the sudden I fainted.. I have never fainted in my life, I don't even remember the last time I was sick. I have like a super immune system. So I get up and continue on with my work because I got work to do thats just the type of person I am. Until my boss found out she made me go to the ER to get checked out luckily for me I work at a hospital. So they roll me down to the ER and drew some blood.. blah! And gave me IV fluids that made me pee like crazy! (TMI) Finally the doctor comes in and tells me i'm anemic! I've never been anemic in my life and he says thats why I've been feeling so tired lately and the fact that I've been having a very heavy flow for my TOM (TMI) this month that has a lot to do with it. So he gave me some liquid iron that I had to drink (yuck!) now I know how the patients feel when they have to take it. He gave me a prescription for some higher dosage of iron pills and then told me I'm going to have to supplement my iron and check up with my primary physician in 2 weeks to get my blood draw. So after all this its only 4 PM so I decided to head back to the floor and continue working. OMG those last 3 hours were horrible! I should've just went home because I felt miserable, but I didn't want to let my fellow employees down.

So now I'm laying in bed and my mom is making me stay on strict bed rest tonight because I wanted to go work out but she told me I need to take care of myself first. So I caved :( I'm a little dissapointed because I havent worked out as much as I would've liked to this week, but hopefully I will still have a loss after the day i've had but I have stayed OP this whole week and have only used 5 of my WP's so.. come on weight loss vibes!! At least I'm off for the rest of the weekend! Next week is my last week of work for the summer till I go back to school so its kind of bitter sweet. But I'm moving onto bigger and better things.

Off to rest I go!
Have a good night everyone!

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