Weight Loss Journey

Monday, August 2, 2010


I really despise monday's they are just no fun. They come too fast and last too long. I just got home from working a long 12-hour shift on this wonderful monday and it was a day from H-E-double hockey sticks.
I'm glad to be home because after my nice long hot shower and my small dinner because I wasnt too hungry tonight I am lying in bed and vegging out for the rest of the night and watching the new episode of dance your @$$ off tonight!! Love that show!!
I had a great OP day though. I can't believe I've stayed OP for 3 weeks now! I'm so proud of myself. I'm just dreading TOM who is visiting this week! Hopefully it wont affect my weight loss. I did survive olive garden last night, and managed to only use 2 of my weekly points. I went into the dinner with 10 points. I had a bowl of minestrone soup, a breadstick, some salad (dry) and a 1/4 of the linguine ala marinara totally 12 points for the entire meal!! I could've used more WP but I was so proud of myself for my weight loss that morning that I didn't want to push it. Too bad I have to work again tomorrow because I just want to sleep.. I'm so tired.. cmon next weekend (:

1 comment:

  1. Way to go girl. It is so hard to stay OP at Olive Garden. Yum! I'm proud of you. I don't know if I could have done it.
