Weight Loss Journey

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursdays= My Fridays!!

I love thursdays!! Because after another wonderful 12-hour shift.. I get three amazing days off and those are friday, saturday sunday!! I can't wait till sunday, WI day.. I'm hoping for at least a 2 pound loss. I've been so good this week I'm stuck to mainly foods from the GHG's and mainly whole foods. I've been trying to avoid so much processed foods. So after my long 12- hour shift which I discharged 8 of my 10 patients.. And had a million admissions.. But it wasn't too bad time went by really fast because I was sooo busy! Then I got home from work and my mom (which I love being home right now because I get a nice home cooked meal when I get home from work) had dinner waiting.. we have been trying out a lot of the recipes on the WW website and tonight we tried the turkey meatloaf. And it was AMAZING! I'm going to add it to my recipe book.. And you get two pretty big pieces for 6 points and it is very filling.

After dinner, my mom, dad and I went on our nightly 5 mile bike ride, and it was sooo nice tonight, which is rare in the hot humid summer of Texas. There was actually a breeze. It felt good because we did it in 20 mins so we did greater then a 12 mph speed!! More AP's for me!! After my nice cool shower I am now laying in bed unwinding and relaxing.

Tomorrow I plan on running some errands and working out doing day 3 of week 1 in Couch to 5K. Its been rough.. but it feels good to get back into running again, I will see how tomorrow goes, and if it is still rough I'm going to do week 1 over again. Because I had a little bit of knee problems this week. But not big deal. So here is to staying on plan and keep on moving.


  1. Thats awesome that you go for a nightly bike ride! good luck at your WI!

    Are you a nurse? I work at a rehab hospital as a physical therapist and definitely know how demanding, stressful & physically challenging our jobs can be.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. It seems we have a lot in common. I'm living at home with my parentals also. My parents are really supportive and are giving WW a try also. We have a nightly workout routine too. We go down each night to the track and walk and run stairs. Every other morning Mom and I have been running. It is so nice to know I'm not the only one living at home!
    Bike rides sound like so much fun. 5 miles in less than 20 minutes is amazing. That turkey meatloaf sounds amazing. I might have to give that one a try. :)

  3. I am a student nurse right now but I work at hospital as a tech, but I will be a nurse in less than a year!!

    I do live at home over the summer right now but once school starts i'm moving into a new apartment because my school is 2 hours away from home :( but I do love the support my parents are giving me and I think its helpful for all of us!

  4. Where in Texas are you from? I am from San Antonio but I go to Texas Tech in Lubbock!

    Good luck on C25K I’m doing it also!

  5. I'm from the Houston area in The woodlands if you know where that is and I go to school in Tyler.

    Thank you!! Its tough but worth it
